Find calm during your day with a tea meditation – the perfect way to blend the love for tea with mindfulness. Try this simple mindfulness technique with your next cup of tea.
You don’t have to practice a full tea ceremony to get the benefits of tea meditation. If you already drink your occasional cup of tea throughout the day, is enough to introduce you to the practice of meditation through tea.
Mindfully drinking your tea is a perfect moment to relax your mind and to introduce you to the tea meditation time.
Tea is much more than just a drink, it’s powerful and if you make time to pay attention to it, you start to understand it more.
You’ll see below, how using tea meditation, I will help you create a bridge between the traditional tea ceremonies and everyday busy people that might not be interested in the traditional ritual but might be interested in finding a moment of calm next to their cup of tea without any specific rules to follow. I’ll tell you how to do that and how to get back to the present moment by just enjoying a simple cup of meditative tea.
Taking time to slowly enjoy your tea will teach you how to increase your awareness and how to live in the “now”.
Every time you make another cup of tea can be one step closer to becoming more mindful.
Tea and meditation go perfectly together because tea is an invitation to meditation.
Someone perfectly described that enjoying a teacup is like a “cuddly little adventure”. And it’s so true! But to get to this magical feeling, you need to allow yourself some time in your day. Time to focus on the simplicity of every single step of the tea ceremony meditation.
The tea meditation starts with the moment when you decide to make yourself a tea and you’re heading towards your kettle. You already made the first step for achieving a bit of calm in your day. It means you stopped whatever you were doing and you can use this time to clear your mind.
Many of us might consider they need more time to clear your head than just the time it takes to make a cup of tea. But I’ll show you step by step how to enjoy the experience and you’ll see how this small thing can brighten up your day. It has the power to change your state of mind and to clear your thoughts.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”G7PVd” via=”yes” ]“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh[/ctt]
Making a tea-cup while you’re still replaying in your head all the troubles of the day will not help. Just try to take a deep breath and tell yourself that these 5 minutes are only yours and learn to fully enjoy them. Just allow yourself a brief moment to clear your mind.
The tea meditation practice is nourishing your mind and soul by inducing a sense of peace and gratitude.
Mindfully drinking your tea is a perfect moment to relax your mind and to introduce you to the tea meditation time.
Tea is much more than just a drink, it’s powerful and if you make time to pay attention to it, you start to understand it more.
You’ll see below, how using tea meditation, I will help you create a bridge between the traditional tea ceremonies and everyday busy people that might not be interested in the traditional ritual but might be interested in finding a moment of calm next to their cup of tea without any specific rules to follow. I’ll tell you how to do that and how to get back to the present moment by just enjoying a simple cup of meditative tea.
Taking time to slowly enjoy your tea will teach you how to increase your awareness and how to live in the “now”.
Every time you make another cup of tea can be one step closer to becoming more mindful.
What is a tea meditation?
Drinking tea can represent any of the everyday tasks and activities we do but by its nature, tea introduces calm, tea introduces the idea of a ritual.Tea and meditation go perfectly together because tea is an invitation to meditation.
Someone perfectly described that enjoying a teacup is like a “cuddly little adventure”. And it’s so true! But to get to this magical feeling, you need to allow yourself some time in your day. Time to focus on the simplicity of every single step of the tea ceremony meditation.
The tea meditation starts with the moment when you decide to make yourself a tea and you’re heading towards your kettle. You already made the first step for achieving a bit of calm in your day. It means you stopped whatever you were doing and you can use this time to clear your mind.
Many of us might consider they need more time to clear your head than just the time it takes to make a cup of tea. But I’ll show you step by step how to enjoy the experience and you’ll see how this small thing can brighten up your day. It has the power to change your state of mind and to clear your thoughts.
How to do a tea meditation
A simple tea meditation can be just following the below steps. But I also have some tea meditation scripts which you can read next to your cup of tea. They will guide your mind and thoughts to help you to reach faster a calm and meditative state.[ctt template=”8″ link=”G7PVd” via=”yes” ]“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh[/ctt]
Making a tea-cup while you’re still replaying in your head all the troubles of the day will not help. Just try to take a deep breath and tell yourself that these 5 minutes are only yours and learn to fully enjoy them. Just allow yourself a brief moment to clear your mind.
The tea meditation practice is nourishing your mind and soul by inducing a sense of peace and gratitude.
The cup of tea creates a bridge between meditation practice and everyday life.
Tea Meditation Steps
The simplicity of the tea meditation makes it easy to access at any time and place. The only things needed for enjoying this moment of calm are:- Yourself fully present in the moment
- A teacup
- Boiling water
- Tea
- Few minutes you can spend only with your cup of tea
Pick your tea
If you wonder what is the best tea for meditation, the answer is simply: any tea.The act of tea meditation is focused on the experience rather than the specific type of tea you are sipping.
But if you need some help in choosing your tea, you can find some inspiration in the below posts.
Check their benefits and choose the tea for meditation to try today:
– Teas for fighting stress
– Chamomile tea
– Green tea
– Chinese red tea (black tea)
– Nettle tea
– Mint tea
– Pu-erh tea
– Autumn Teas
Knowing that this will be your moment of calm can already make you anticipate the feeling and make your mind slow down. All my tea meditation scripts will perfectly complement the steps of the ceremony presented below. They will help to focus on certain ways of calming your mind while enjoying your cup of tea.
Add this ritual to your morning meditation, pick a cozy and quiet place to sit and enjoy every sip. Try to keep away any distractions and focus on the warmth of the teacup and follow the tea meditation steps.

Try your first
Tea meditation
Try your first
Tea meditation
Get the free audio tea meditation below, to go with your next cup of tea
“This beautiful sensation of calm and peace.”
Join me for a
Personalized 1:1 Tea meditation
Join me for a
Personalized 1:1 Tea meditation
“This beautiful sensation of calm and peace.”
Take your tea drinking experience to the next level and book a session with me
1. Focus on preparing the water for your tea
Pour the water in your kettle or any other tool you’re using to boil it. Listen to the sound of water bubbling and try to not focus on anything else around you.2. Prepare your mug for brewing the tea in it.
Having a mug that you love will help with the entire process. It can be a mug you got from a dear friend. It can be a colorful one that brings positive vibes, one with a mindful message or any other type, which makes you happy. When you take that mug in your hands and you feel the positive vibes it’ll brighten up your moment. This also teaches you to enjoy the little things around you.3. Choose your tea
Prepare your tea bag or put the loose leaves in the infuser. Remember during each step to be aware of every move you make. Enjoy the anticipation of drinking your tea, which will soon warm you up, on the inside.4. Pour the water and observe
When the water is ready, pour it in your mug and watch the slow color transformation. It’s beautiful how the water turns into the amber-like brew. Enjoy the moment of peace and take a few deep breaths.5. Your tea is ready
Your tea is almost ready now, but there’s no reason to rush. Take out the tea leaves and you now have a great cup of freshly brewed tea. Enjoy its smell for a few seconds and carefully let it guide you back to your day.6. Be grateful
Give thanks to the tea in front of you for giving you this moment of peace. Give thanks to yourself for making time for this tea meditation in your life. Be grateful to the universe for making this mindful tea moment possible.7. Tea meditation
Enjoy one of my tea meditation while drinking your warm cup of tea. You now have your favorite drink with you. With every sip you’ll take, you can allow yourself to get back to your inner place of calm, even if it’s for only a second.Tea Meditation Benefits
We all know how to make a cup of tea in our own way. By doing something you already know you’ll feel encouraged to try this. Adding small moments of mindfulness throughout your day will improve your experience of the present moment and reduce stress.You don’t have to follow a tea meditation script but every step I mentioned above is easy to apply. Try to be creative and see what works best for you. After you start doing this, you’ll see that making and drinking tea will mean much more to you.
You’ll associate your cup of tea with the place inside you where you can always find your inner peace. And you’ll know that’s not difficult to come back here anytime you want or need it.
It’s your time, your body and your mind. They are yours, so have the courage to take control of them, even if it’s for 5 minutes. Don’t let the infinite number of thoughts invade your mind. Tell them to wait in line, clear your mind and take them one by one. Make space in your life for a cup of tea. And make space in your head for each of your thoughts.
There are plenty of benefits of tea meditation and they focus on reducing anxiety and stress. For everyone that cannot find time to practice meditation, this can be a great way of introducing meditation into your life. Bringing awareness into your day-by-day activities is a great way of becoming more mindful.
Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh’s thoughts on tea meditation:
“Tea is an act complete in its simplicity.When I drink tea, there is only me and the tea.
The rest of the world dissolves. There are no worries about the future.
No dwelling on past mistakes.
Tea is simple: loose-leaf tea, hot pure water, a cup.
I inhale the scent, tiny delicate pieces of the tea floating above the cup.
I drink the tea, the essence of the leaves becoming a part of me. I am informed by the tea, changed.
This is the act of life, in one pure moment, and in this act, the truth of the world suddenly becomes revealed: all the complexity, pain, drama of life is a pretense, invented in our minds for no good purpose.
There is only the tea, and me, converging.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist)
Try your first
Tea meditation
Try your first
Tea meditation
Get the free audio tea meditation below, to go with your next cup of tea
“This beautiful sensation of calm and peace.”
Join me for a
Personalized 1:1 Tea meditation
Join me for a
Personalized 1:1 Tea meditation
“This beautiful sensation of calm and peace.”
Take your tea drinking experience to the next level and book a session with me
Tea meditation scripts
To help and guide you through your moment of meditation, you can follow my tea meditation scripts below:
Join me for a
Personalized 1:1 Tea meditation
Join me for a
Personalized 1:1 Tea meditation
“This beautiful sensation of calm and peace.”
Take your tea drinking experience to the next level and book a session with me

"I felt much more present, grounded, and calm. I also approached my daily activities differently. I made a second herbal tea during the day, and it was easy to recall our 1:1 meditation and reconnect with myself and all sensations."