How can mindfulness increase productivity? Well, getting to have more engaged, high-performing employees may require a rethinking of traditional concepts of where, when, and how the workday should occur. Promote exercise, mindfulness, and inspiration to increase employee productivity and enhance your team’s daily work experience.
Do you ever have a strong skeptical reaction when you witness someone expressing how mindfulness has improved their lives? Many people struggle to comprehend how “not thinking” can have any impact on their life. However, the evidence implies that this is possible.
This article will discuss how mindful employees increase their productivity and how it can work for you.
The Effects of Mindfulness on the Brain
In recent years, the scientific community has begun to uncover mindfulness’s physical effects on the brain. By practicing mindfulness, you can change your brain’s physical and chemical structure.
When you practice mindfulness, such as meditation, you create stronger connections between the two main parts of your brain and create a larger region called the default mode network. This brain area is responsible for your identity, self-awareness, and the continuing sense of self.
The default mode network is responsible for your sense of self and attention. In this state, the brain observes everything going on around you while at the same time connecting the thoughts you are thinking.
This network is also responsible for creating your perception of reality. When you practice mindfulness, you can change the connections in the brain that give you your sense of self and perception.
Mindfulness connects the two hemispheres of the brain. With stronger connections, you can alter your vision of reality and adopt a more positive outlook.
Mindfulness Increases Productivity
1. Increases Focus and Decreases Distractions
The top reason mindful employees are more engaged and more productive is the increase in focus and decrease in distractions. When we become aware, the brain rewires to focus on the present. We begin to take in experiences without judging them. This helps us focus on the present moment, where the brain is designed to work.
Mindfulness decreases distractions because we can see what is happening around us without our brains reacting to it. This is the reason yoga studios are quiet. There are no distractions to pull our attention away from our feelings.
2. Increases Self-Awareness
Mindfulness also increases self-awareness. When we become self-aware, we begin to understand how our thoughts and actions affect ourselves and others around us.
Self-awareness allows us to think before we act and listen to how our communication affects others. We can communicate better because we are aware of our thoughts and how they affect others. This increases productivity because we are taking into account the thoughts and feelings of others.

3. Creates a More Positive Mindset
We all have good and bad days. However, when our minds are focused on the present, we can embrace the positive. When we can see the positive within every experience, we experience positivity in every area of our lives.
When you can create a positive mindset, you can develop and maintain healthy habits that keep you in a good mood. This makes an optimistic outlook on life that encourages more positive outcomes.
When you can maintain positivity, you can stay in the present and enjoy the moments in your life.
4. Decreases Stress
We all know how stress can affect our mood and productivity. When you can decrease stress, you are more likely to take in the positive experiences that stress can cause.
Mindfulness decreases stress because you can see yourself and your surroundings differently. You can use mindfulness to combat the stress you may have.
5. Decreases illness and pain
Mindfulness can decrease both physical and mental illness by decreasing stress. This helps you stay present and live in the moment. When you can stay in the moment, you are less likely to worry about the future or fear what is going on around you.
When you can stay in the moment that is happening right now, you can experience life as it is. You can experience your relationships, work, and your sense of self. You can enjoy life and create a better life.
6. Increases Creativity
When you can stay in the moment, you can identify and solve problems. This is why mindful employees are so productive. When you are enjoying life and looking at the outcome of your issues through a different lens, you can create more innovative solutions.
My mindfulness at Work services can help you achieve all these and bring this culture of mindfulness into your workplace.
Bring Mindfulness at your Workplace
How Can You Use Mindfulness to Increase Productivity?
If you want to increase your productivity, you must first become more mindful. If you are interested in adding mindfulness to your daily routine, try these five tips for becoming mindful:
1. Take an Office Stroll
One easy way to become mindful is to take a walk during your workday. Getting away from your desk and moving your body is a great way to clear your mind. Taking a stroll can help you clear your head, and it may even help you become more creative.
2. Practice Mindfulness even at Home
Suppose you have a hard time focusing at home or at the office; set aside some time to practice mindfulness. Try taking ten minutes to meditate. By taking the time to meditate, you can reflect and gain insight into your life.
3. Go on a Digital Detox
Include regular periods of time in your day when you are not connected to any device. This can help you become more mindful because it eliminates distractions. By putting your device down, you can also truly experience the activity you are doing.
For example, if you are at a restaurant, you can experience the taste of food much better if you are present in the moment.
4. Practice Self-Reflection
You can practice self-reflection by taking time during your day to write. You can use this time to write down five positive things that happened to you that day. This will help you appreciate the positive things even when it seems your day was full of negativity.
Make mindfulness a part of your daily routine. Mindfulness will help you increase your productivity, decrease stress, and improve your health. You will enjoy your life and be present in the here and now.
How do you bring mindfulness at your workplace?
I can help! Your own work environment can benefit from this as well, even if your colleagues might not sound excited about the idea of mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness is for everyone!
I offer a wide variety of options to bring mindfulness at work and if you don’t know which one could work for you, schedule a quick chat with me! Improving the wellbeing of your workplace can have a major impact on productivity and performance at work and who doesn’t want that at work?
7-Day Mindfulness Challenge
Bring Mindfulness at your Workplace
Mindful Life Planner

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One-minute mindfulness - 9 simple activities for everyone - Gabriela Green
[…] help in so many ways, even with increasing productivity during your workday. Read here about why mindfulness increases productivity (and how to make it work for […]
April 4, 2022 at 3:50 pm