This tea meditation will help you get back to the present moment by just enjoying a simple cup of tea. Tea is much more than just a simple drink. Tea can be powerful and if you make time to pay attention to it, you’ll get to see that.
Tea has been known for its benefits for ages, and one of them is the calming effect. But it’s not only calming because of what it contains. It can also be calming if you just allow yourself to enjoy every step of making and drinking it.
Just thinking about tea gives me a cozy feeling and a smile on my face.
Someone said that enjoying a teacup is like a “cuddly little adventure”. And it is so true! It describes exactly how I feel. But to get to this magical feeling, you need to allow yourself some time in your day to just focus on the process.
When you decide to make yourself a tea and you are heading towards your kettle, you already made the first step for achieving a bit of calm in your day. It means you stopped whatever you were doing and you can use this time to clear your mind. You might think that you need more time to clear your head, but stay with me and you’ll see how this simple ritual can brighten up your day.
Making a tea-cup while you are still replaying in your head all the troubles of the day will not help. Just try to take a deep breath and tell yourself that these 5 minutes are only yours. The tasks of the day will still be there after you come back. Allow yourself a brief moment to clear your mind.
When you take a short break from all the things going on in your busy day it might seem counterproductive. But taking a break helps. When you go back to them with a fresh mind you might even solve them quicker.
Getting back to what I started saying, imagine: yourself, everything you need to make your teacup and 5 minutes when nobody can interrupt you. Doesn’t this already start to sound great?
Knowing that this will be your short moment of calm can already make you anticipate the nice feeling.
Focus on preparing the water for your tea and pour it in the kettle(or any other tool you use to boil it). Listen to the sound of water bubbling.
Tea has been known for its benefits for ages, and one of them is the calming effect. But it’s not only calming because of what it contains. It can also be calming if you just allow yourself to enjoy every step of making and drinking it.
Just thinking about tea gives me a cozy feeling and a smile on my face.
Someone said that enjoying a teacup is like a “cuddly little adventure”. And it is so true! It describes exactly how I feel. But to get to this magical feeling, you need to allow yourself some time in your day to just focus on the process.
Getting ready for tea meditation
When you decide to make yourself a tea and you are heading towards your kettle, you already made the first step for achieving a bit of calm in your day. It means you stopped whatever you were doing and you can use this time to clear your mind. You might think that you need more time to clear your head, but stay with me and you’ll see how this simple ritual can brighten up your day.
Making a tea-cup while you are still replaying in your head all the troubles of the day will not help. Just try to take a deep breath and tell yourself that these 5 minutes are only yours. The tasks of the day will still be there after you come back. Allow yourself a brief moment to clear your mind.
When you take a short break from all the things going on in your busy day it might seem counterproductive. But taking a break helps. When you go back to them with a fresh mind you might even solve them quicker.
Getting back to what I started saying, imagine: yourself, everything you need to make your teacup and 5 minutes when nobody can interrupt you. Doesn’t this already start to sound great?
Knowing that this will be your short moment of calm can already make you anticipate the nice feeling.
Focus on preparing the water for your tea and pour it in the kettle(or any other tool you use to boil it). Listen to the sound of water bubbling.
Prepare your tea
Pick your favorite teacup or mug. Choosing one that you love will make you feel more peaceful. It can be a mug you got from a dear friend, a colorful one that brings positive vibes, one with a message or any other type, which you are happy to use.When you take that mug in your hands and you feel a positive vibe it will instantly put a smile on your face. This also helps you understand how to enjoy the little things around you.
Meanwhile, you can choose your tea bag or put the loose leaves in the infuser. Prepare the water to boil. Remember to be mindful of every move and enjoy the anticipation of drinking your tea, which will soon warm you up.
When the water is ready, pour it over your tea leaves and watch the slow color transformation. It’s beautiful how the water turns into the amber-like brew.
Enjoy the moment of peace and forget about anything that as on your mind a couple of minutes ago. Take your time to practice some deep breathing while the tea is steeping.
When your tea is ready, remember that there’s no reason to rush.
Take out the tea leaves. Enjoy the smell of freshly brewed tea for a few seconds and carefully let it guide you back to your day.

A moment of calm in a teacup
Boost the superpowers of your tea with these
calming herbal teas cheat sheet.
calming herbal teas cheat sheet.
Mindful tea
Your tea is now patiently waiting for you. With every sip you’ll take, you can allow yourself to go back to the calm moment, even if it is for only a second.This entire ritual is actually a tea meditation and a mindful moment.
These might sound like some complicated terms when we refer to just a cup of tea. But think about them as simple actions that we do day by day. This way we’ll dare to try them without the fear of failing.
Everybody knows how to make a cup of tea in their own way. By doing something you already know you’ll feel encouraged to try this.
By adding small pieces of mindfulness throughout your day you can improve your overall experience of the present moment.
Every step I mentioned above is easy to apply. After you start doing this, you’ll see how making and drinking tea will mean much more to you. You’ll associate them with the corner of your inner peace. And you’ll know that it’s not difficult to come back here anytime you want or need it.
Remember to get back to this practice. Don’t let the infinite number of thoughts invade your mind. Tell them to wait in line, clear your mind and take them one by one. Make space in your life for a cup of tea and make space in your head for each of your thoughts.
Mindful Tea Moments
– digital toolkit –
Transform your cup of tea into your favorite mindful moment of the day

Yoga and Tea - Excellent benefits for health and spirit - Gabriela Green
[…] as I mentioned in a previous post, brings you to the present moment. The ritual itself can be a short moment of mindfulness. It can be a perfect mindful moment in your […]
July 14, 2018 at 9:32 amDevon Mama
Made me feel so relaxed just reading it! I love the ceremonial aspect of tea, have spent some time in China and Taiwan and its always so nice to see! #kcacols
November 10, 2016 at 9:22 pmGabriela Green
I am so happy to hear that you felt relaxed after reading it 🙂 The tea ceremony induces calm almost without effort, especially in those countries you mentioned.
November 11, 2016 at 8:45 amAccidental Hipster Mum
Such a lovely post. About once a week I get up well before everyone in the house and I creep downstairs and have my first cup of tea of the day and enjoy the quiet meditation.
November 8, 2016 at 11:06 pmGabriela Green
That sounds like a lovely ritual 🙂 xx
November 9, 2016 at 3:33 pmAccidental Hipster Mum
It really is! X
November 9, 2016 at 4:03 pmLizzie firstooth
Tea definitely brings a sense of calm to me. They always say a cup of tea makes everything better and I don’t think they’re wrong. A favourite cup does make a difference too, you’re right there! #kcacols
November 7, 2016 at 5:46 pmGabriela Green
Yes, you are right, tea can make everything better.
November 7, 2016 at 7:21 pmI will share soon some of my favorite tea cups which bring a smile on my face every time I use them 🙂
Reading this post really makes me wish I liked tea! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!
November 7, 2016 at 1:10 pmGabriela Green
Thank you, I will come back for sure 🙂
November 7, 2016 at 2:18 pmEmma
What is your Twitter handle Gabriela? I couldn’t find t anywhere when I tried to retweet your post 🙂
November 7, 2016 at 2:23 pmGabriela Green
Sorrrrry! I just added now a link to my twitter account (@gabriela_green_ ) in the side bar. I totally forgot about doing this until now. Thank you for reminding me 🙂 xx
November 7, 2016 at 7:19 pmJess Powell (Babi a Fi)
Gorgeous post! I totally agree, even five minutes out to just enjoy a cup of tea can make such a big difference to your state of mind. x #KCACOLS
November 6, 2016 at 7:02 pmGabriela Green
Thank you! Sometimes 5 minutes can make a big difference indeed. x
November 6, 2016 at 9:38 pmSara Bussandri
Brilliant – I got an amazing sense of peacefulness just by reading this, and seeing I’m trying to introduce more mindfulness into my life, this is just what I needed! Thanks! #KCACOLS
November 6, 2016 at 3:19 pmGabriela Green
You are very welcome dear 🙂 I can’t explain how happy I am to hear that my words helped! x
November 6, 2016 at 9:37 pmmadelinelittlejohns
I tend to drink coffee more than tea, but when I’m poorly or stressed out then tea definitely helps. And I do agree that part of the reason for that is the whole calming ritual of making it. x #KCACOLS
November 6, 2016 at 11:22 amGabriela Green
Glad to hear that you find the ritual of making tea calming 🙂 x
November 6, 2016 at 9:32 pmMummy Mindful
PS I shared this post on twitter but couldn’t find you on there x
November 6, 2016 at 6:35 amGabriela Green
Oh, thank you for sharing! I just followed you on twitter now 🙂
November 6, 2016 at 9:30 pmMummy Mindful
A lovely mindful post – I love tea and use making my first cup of the morning in a similar way to how you describe her to anchor me. So pleased to have found your blog. #KCACOLS
November 6, 2016 at 6:30 amGabriela Green
Yes, tea can be a great anchor for us. I am so happy you enjoyed reading it!
November 6, 2016 at 9:29 pmHonest Mum
What a lovely post, I adore tea and the ceremony of it too x
November 5, 2016 at 4:19 pmGabriela Green
Thank you so much for your appreciation! x
November 5, 2016 at 5:48 pm