
How To Live In The Moment: 10 Mindful Tips

The present moment is what we always have. At any given time we are “here and now” and it is a matter of training our perception to learn how to live in the moment.

Living in the moment does not imply worrying about the future or regretting the past.

Learning how to live in the present moment can show how to reduce stress and increase your happiness. We often forget about these concepts even if we know them. It happens because we tend to get lost amongst our thoughts.

We allow the daily problems to completely absorb our attention. Don’t worry, this happens to all of us. It takes a lot of practice and discipline to become a mindful person and to increase the strength of your mind.

10 Mindful Tips To Learn How To Live In The Moment

Here are some simple ways to bring your attention to the present moment. You can include all these easy practices in your daily life and they will teach you how to enjoy the “now”.

1. Breathing techniques

There are lots of types of breathing techniques that you can try. They can help you calm your mind, release stress and be present. Meditation practices usually include them.

See your breath as your own personal tool that you always have on hand. Use it whenever you need to return to the present moment.

Imagine your breath as a string tied to the present moment. A string which you can always reach. By pulling it slowly you will get back to the “now”, no matter where your mind was previously wandering.

2. Think about what makes you happy

There are many things in our daily lives, which we tend to ignore. They are small things that can make us happy and put a smile on our face if we would just pay attention to them for a moment. Being completely present to observe even for few seconds something that is happening around you, could easily brighten your day and ground you.

3. Make time for yourself

Making time for yourselfis important when we deal with stress every day. Being overwhelmed by stress makes it more difficult to be mindful and to find our path to the present moment. Booking some pampering time in your calendar can be great for stress relief. Treat it as an important event in your calendar, something that you can’t cancel.

4. Tea meditation

Meditation is a well-known practice to keep your mind clear and to bring you to the present moment. When you feel like you don’t have time for meditation, it is a great option to find calm in your cup of tea. You can try one of my tea meditations, which don’t take more 5 minutes. Practicing them will make your tea drinking experience full of mindfulness.

5. Body scan

Body scan is also included in meditation practices. By thinking and being aware of every single part of your body, you are fully present. You experience without judgment what you feel in the physical body.

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6. Smile

It can be that easy indeed. If you smile, you can trick your brain into thinking that you are indeed feeling better. This simple thing can improve your overall mood.

7. Listen to your inner child

We tend to forget many times about our inner child. That small part of ourselves, which still wants to play in the mud. The one that smiles at the bright sky and bursts into laughter at silly jokes. You can learn in one of my old posts how to release your inner child more often.

8. Spend time in silence, listen to your thoughts

It is quite a loud world out there. Amidst the noise, we tend to increase the volume of the many thoughts in our mind as well. We end up having a loud and endless inner chatter. This does not allow us to breathe and be ourselves anymore. Allow yourself some silence time to clear your mind and to reconnect with your inner self.

9. Let go

No, going back to what happened in the past and forgiving any mistakes, no matter if they are yours or not, will not help you live in the present moment. If you do no learn to let go, you will become stuck in the past. Try one of my tea meditations to guide you and put you in the mindset of letting go: Let go and free your mind

10. Be kind and be grateful

The best way to enjoy the present moment is to be grateful and to be kind to everyone around you. Listing all the things you are grateful for, will help you have a positive attitude towards life. It will be easier to live in the “now”. Try to give yourself a few minutes every evening to think about 3 things you are grateful for.
Not sure what to be grateful for? Here is a list of reasons to be grateful for: Learn how to be grateful.

How To Live In The Moment_ 10 Mindful Tips _

It takes time to get there but all this starts with small steps. None of the mindful people achieved mindfulness without effort and dedication. Be determined to reach a higher state of mind and work every day towards your goal. Every little step you take towards mindfulness will take you closer to the person you want to become.

This does not apply only to mindfulness but to any area of your life. No matter what you want to achieve, you have to start with the first step. And then follow it with small steady steps towards the direction you chose. You will slowly but surely get closer to your scope and you will have time to enjoy your journey and the lessons you learn on the way.

What’s your favorite mindful tip?


Gabriela Green
How To Live In The Moment 10 Mindful Tips How To Live In The Moment 10 Mindful Tips

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